The Blog
Yoga is for everyone-why wouldn’t it be?
Yoga is for everyone- why wouldn’t it be? Reading time 3 minutes It’s a much talked about topic in the yoga world “Yoga is for Everyone” so why is it being discussed? Why do some people, who would likely benefit from yoga feel that it might not be for them? In other...
How Yoga can help us transition through the Menopause to our “Second Spring”
How Yoga can help us transition through the Menopause to our “Second Spring” I love this idea of “Second Spring” this is what we step in to as women after the Menopause, this is how we embrace our “wisdom years” but first, how do we get there? How do we traverse the...
It’s an interesting one- why do we sometimes yawn and fall asleep during meditation?
So, we have calved out a little bit of time for ourselves to commit to a meditation practice and as soon as we close our eyes we start to yawn. Part way in to the meditation our head has dropped and we have fallen asleep! What is happening here? I have been asked both...
Why do we practice yoga?
This is a big question and every individual will have their own set of unique answers. If you were to ask the same people that question a year or so later their answers may have changed, developed, evolved along with their practice.
Recreating yoga “shapes” versus listening internally
Have you ever tried to recreate the "shape" of a yoga posture, in an attempt to make it "fit" even though your body is struggling? Maybe you are trying to replicate the posture being demonstrated by your teacher or maybe you have an idea of how this posture “should”...